sábado, 16 de maio de 2009

Chaplaincy Surfing World Tour: Teahupoo Update

Lize Andrews & Abe Andrews

By: Abe Andrews

Dear Friends,

Just a quick update on the Men's Chaplaincy for the ASP Surfing World Tour Event: Billabong Pro Teahupoo. Well today was the second day of competition after 3 days of no contest due to poor conditions. Today wasn't much of an improvement in conditions however there was a small pulse in swell and short periods of clean waves. However it did make for difficult heats for the surfers and it really did come down to wave selection and been in the right spot.

Insert Surfer Here

The Tower

JJ stoked at the score board

I spent the day with a few surfers just mainly caddying and encouraging them. Two of the surfers I was with got knocked out of their heats and that is sometimes difficult for these guys to take. However, I was able to give them a bit of support and encouragement desipite their loss.

Celebrate Crook Waves

Bottle Snap

In between competition days I have been spending alot of time with the surfers. We have been surfing and sharing some meals together. This always makes for some good conversations. I have found by hanging out with the surfers that they are becoming more open and trusting of me.

The Boys Getting Ready


Not always Perfect

It has been awesome to see that God is using this role to really bring the surfers closer to Him. I had the oppertunity to pray with a surfer after he spoke to me about some issues and things he has been dealing with. I believe the Lord is prompting me to just keep myself open and available to the surfers and He will open the right doors.

Hobgoods and Co Ferries

Harbour Panorama

So continue praying for me while I'm here and keep these surfers close in your prayers.

Thank you and God Bless

Abe Andrews

Men's Surfing World Tour Chaplain -
ASP (Association of Surfing Professionals)
Mission Coordinator - Gold Coast Christian Surfers


Chaplaincy 4 Men's Surfing World Tour Teahupoo Day 1

By: Abe Andrews

Brett Davis, Kevin & Tehani, and Alan

Kevin Hemingway - HIC Shaper. Kevin receives 10 years C.S. service award 

Tehani & Kevin, and his son Manaari

As you may know the ASP World Tour is currently in Tahiti for the Billabong Pro at the infamous wave Teahupoo. I arrived to the location 2 days ago and have had many opportunities to serve and hangout with the surfers. It has already been an amazing journey which the Lord has richly blessed.

I am staying with a local family and sharing accommodation with the Billabong staff. Yesterday I spent most of the day helping the work crew set up the event area for the opening ceremonies; this was an awesome opportunity to provide some active service for the contest staff.

Last night I met with Kevin from Christian Surfers Tahiti and joined them as they did an outreach near Teahupoo. After the outreach I met up with some of the surfers and shared a meal at their house. It was great to hangout in a relaxed setting where I could continue to build relationships with the surfers.

groms stoked

Dayyan Neve deep

Today was day 1 round 1 of the contest. I was lucky enough to bump into some of the surfers as they headed out to the contest area. I spent the day on their boat watching the contest and caddying for some of the competitors. After the comp I headed out for a few waves with the surfers which was a great time to share and reflect on the day.

Line up

Although it is early in the event I feel the Chaplaincy is beginning to become more established on the tour and I believe the Lord is using me to rebuild and reconnect the surfers to Him. Pray for protection and favour over the next two weeks I’m here and thank the Lord for his provision as he has blessed me to be able to be here.

Panorama water


surf barrell

Thank you for your support, prayers and fellowship, I look forward to what lie ahead.

Chaplaincy is a voluntary service and relies on the generosity of donors for it to continue. If you would like to support financially please feel out the attached slip and forward to the given address.

God Bless

Abe Andrews

Men's Surfing World Tour Chaplain -
ASP (Association of Surfing Professionals)
Mission Coordinator - Gold Coast Christian Surfers


segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

Samia Carolina estréia Surf Solidário na Indonésia

Por: Samia Carolina

Uluwatu, Indonesia 2008

A surfista brasileira Samia Carolina, 25 anos, estreiou o projeto internacional Surf Solidário, na Ilha Lembongan, na última temporada indonesiana. Por 2 meses, a atleta desenvolveu aulas de inglês e de surf, instruções de higiene básica e preservação do meio abiente, orientações relacionais e morais, distribuição de doações (roupas, brinquedos e alimentos), nos vilarejos locais. Surfar e servir é o lema de Samia que visa o encentivo da prática da compaixão e solidariedade na comunidade do surf.

Arte em madeira, Lembongan

"Descobri que o esporte e a solidariedade formam uma dupla de sucesso. Meu objetivo é ajudar as comunidades carentes dos países que nos proporcionam um surf espetacular mas, infelizmente, sofrem com desastres naturais e falta de recursos básicos para sobrevivência", explica Samia.

Costa da Ilha Lembongan

As conecções na indonésia iniciaram em 2006, quando a brasileira esteve pela primeira vez na ilha de Bali com um grupo de 120 pessoas de várias partes do mundo para um projeto social de um mês, sendo uma semana em Lembongan. Desde então, foram mais de um ano investidos na elaboração do projeto que agora está apenas iniciando.

Diversão das crianças, Lembongan

Para estréia do Projeto em Lembongan, Samia teve que encarar a radical mudança de viver sozinha, na Ilha com cerca de 3 mil habitantes, sem saber o idioma local. "Foram muitas horas por dia estudando indonésio para conseguir melhor comunicação e aprender a cultura hinduista local. 2 horas de todas minhas tardes eram dedicadas para o grupo de 15 a 25 criancas e familiares lembonguenses."

Samia Surfing, Changu

"Mesmo com tanto estudo, consegui administrar o dia para também aproveitar surf nas ótimas ondas da Ilha, mergulhos, belezas naturais e outras atividades de lazer que Lembongan proporciona."

Criança no trabalho com algas marinhas

Qualquer pessoa pode fazer parte do Projeto Surf Solidário. O projeto faz a ponte entre quem pode ajudar e quem necessita. É a porta aberta para contribuição com sua habilidade e criatividade em qualquer lugar do mundo.

Se você está planejando suas férias de surf em Bali não perca a oportunidade de demostrar solidariedade. "Você pode contribuir financeiramente ou com o seu "tempo".

Trabalho com algas marinhas em Lembongan

Algumas necessidades observadas através dos relacionamentos que Samia estabeleceu com os locais da Ilha e idéias para o Projeto Surf Solidário em Lembongan são:

Professionais da área da saúde e ensino;
Trabalho de conscientização para preservação do meio ambiente, lixo reciclavel, e reaproveitamento com artes: Instruções de higiene pessoal, bucal, alimentar e no trabalho;
Nutricionismo e culinária;
Construções de casas e estabelecimentos comerciais;
Ajudas gerais com limpezas, reformas, pinturas, etc;
Habilidade para o ensino de artes plásticas, dança, música, incenação, e desenho;
Cortes de cabelos, penteados, cuidado com as unhas, massagem e estética em geral;
Corte e costura, croche, trico, bordado, etc.

Tudo isso e aquilo o que você faz de melhor que ainda não está listado acima.

No Brasil, há 10 anos Samia desenvolve trabalhos sociais com crianças e adolescentes, usando música, dança, teatro e o esporte para reintegração social, relacionamento familiar, prevenção as drogas e sexo seguro.

"Como podemos amar a Deus, quem não vemos, se não amarmos ao próximo a quem vemos!"

Apoio: Hot Water Surf Shop, Ripwave Surfboards e Rubber Stick.


Christian Surfers Tahiti

Ia orana,

we are inviting all to come to the premier showing of the film

"WALKING ON WATER" (version english/french),

MAY 5th 7:30 PM at the BILLABONG Pro reserved area

at the Teahupoo marina.

This showing is officialy part of the program for the BILLABONG Pro 2009.

Thank you for your prayer support for this event.

God bless



C'est avec une grande joie que nous vous invitons à la première

de projection du film


le 5 MAI 2009 à 19h30 à l'espace reservée

pour la BILLABONG Pro 2009 à la marina de Teahupoo.

Cette projection fait officiellement partie du programme

de la BILLABONG Pro 2009.

Merci pour vos prières concernant cette évènement.

Que Dieu vous bénisse


Christian Surfers Tahiti
Contact : Kevin Heminway
Cell : +689 72 51 56
E-mail: faaora@yahoo.com

Christian Surfer Tahiti, membre de la Tahitian Sports Coalition


The Surf Report #42: Chaplaincy Update, Taiwan, Americas Conference, Europe Conference, ISA World Games, Mexico Contest Outreach

Chaplaincy Update

The Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) approved chaplaincy to be part of its structure after our one-year trial in which 18 chaplains were mobilized to over 30 events. In addition, a men's world tour chaplain, Abe Andrews, and a women's world tour chaplain, Liselle Wilsnagh, were appointed and presented to the Surfers. Abe is 27 married, been a high school chaplain, current gold coast CS mission leaders and member of Beachside Surf Church. Liselle is 31, single, South African, a professional singer, has been in CS 15 years, and is currently worship leader in Goleta Vineyard Church, Santa Barbara, USA. Pray for them as they serve at their next event in Tahiti. Regional chaplains are being sought with Lyle Castellaw for North America, Mike Stangel for Hawaii, and Andy Pitt for Africa already in place. Contact your CSI Regional Coordinator for more information. Contact us if you wish to join a chaplain's support team. Click here and note 'Chapliancy' in the comments to donate to chaplaincy to help Liz and Abe pioneer this new work.

CS Australia National Gathering

just celebrated their 24th National Conference over Easter, rebranding it a 'gathering' to reflect it's grass roots down in Port Campbell, Victoria. 175 leaders and families turned up and Lena Johnstone spoke on 'Love one another and the world will know you are my disciples.' Awesome waves, weather, company and vision under a big top tent!

Asia Regional Coordinator Ric visited new contacts in Taiwan and discovered a booming surf culture. With a YWAM missionary and former CSNZ couple a new mission is poised to launch - Chinese surf mission!

Walking on Water
WOW have partnered with CSI to roll out a world tour premiering their new film hoping to line up with world pro tour with destinations in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Japan, Taiwan, South Africa, Europe and more all planned. Contact WOW to join the tour.

Americas Conference
El Salvador hosts Americas conference July 23-27 for both North & South American surf mission leaders, all welcome. Contact Cal Fisher for more info.

Europe Conference
June 5-7 are the dates for key European surf ministry leaders in Hossegor, France. Contact Phil Williams to see if you are eligible to attend. Limited to key leaders and contacts.

ISA World Games
Costa Rica hosts the world ISA surfing games. New National Director Cokey has already been appointed chaplain of their national team and is seeking a global team to practice hospitality to the games via a CS stall. Cost $US1500 pp for 2 weeks inclusive and covers stall costs. Contact Cokey on cscrdirector@gmail.com. If you would like to help finance a Christian presence at the ISA games: $1500 stall fee, $500 stickers, $1000 Surfers Bibles, $2000 food and drinks. Click here to donate and note 'ISA World Games Outreach' in the comments.

Mexico Contest Outreach

CS Mexico have a national contest coming to Puerto Escondido May 14-17. They have volunteered to help at this event by taking care of the beach cleanups. The organisers want to make it an eco-friendly event so CS will provide 8 sets of 3 bins in key locations along the beach area. One bin for plastics, one for organic materials, and one bin for non-organic rubbish. Each bin costs $30; each set will cost $90. All 24 will cost a total of $720. CS Mexico would like to provide these bins but don't have sufficient funds to do so. In each bin location they will be able to advertise CS and speak about Jesus. If you would like to contribute please click here and note 'CS Mexico Outreach' in comments, or US donors contact Cal Fisher.


Surf Movie Premier

By: Bill Hogan

Christian Surfers Charleston
Friends and Supporters

Hello! We are excited to announce this years Surf Movie Premier. We apologize for the late notice but we had a struggle nailing down the date and location that would work best for all. Please join us for the movie Walking On Water ... "Two Surfers. One Dream. Finding Faith on the Journey of a Lifetime". We are also excited to have local Christian performing band T Culler to share their award winning music with us. This annual event is a great time for fellowship, entertainment and family fun. We will have a raffle for surf items, a special raffle for kids/parents wanting a softboard Liquid Shredder and a $450 custom Maya surfboard compliments of Charleston Watersport Outfitters and shaper Jamie Tuttle. We will have some food and drink and tables setup for the raffle, Eastern Surfing Association (ESA), Surfrider, Wahine and other sponsors so arrive early to enjoy before the music kicks us off. We appreciate your getting the word out for this event. We have had many people come to know the Lord at this event and many others renew their commitment. Please forward this to your friends and family.

As always, we appreciate your support. Look for the event information and interactive directions on the Christian Surfers Charleston Group facebook site. If you want to update your contact information or be removed from these e-mails, please reply to this message.

Thanks and Peace in Christ!

Todd Brazell, Milton Costa, Christ Costa, Kurtz Smith, Bill Hogan
Christian Surfers Charleston leadership team